I didn’t go to work today
This is an A5 zine printed on A3 sized paper that is folded and cut so that it can be read as a zine or displayed as a poster. The four texts were selected to form a context for understanding why and how we might follow the directive on the poster side: “Let’s take control of our lives and live for pleasure not pain”. These four texts by Johanna Hedva, Guy Debord, JN for Lausan, and Audre Lorde are excerpted. You are encouraged to read these texts in full or to pursue another path into, through, around similar writings. Unlearning the thinking and behavioral patterns of capitalistic production has taken me a long time. Still, daily, I find myself in various ways slipping into valuing work for profit (sometimes a comfortable place to be because to be at odds with society can be uncomfortable). I believe we can not only imagine a better way of living, that doesn’t revolve around work for profit, but make that better way a reality.
The illustration is my version of a poster created by the Situationist International. The dog’s name is Koopa—he teaches me how to reorient my life around rest, pleasure, and care.